A universal and easy-to-use button, to subscribe to podcasts
with player clients or website players.

Get the Subscribe Button

One button to subscribe them all

Give it a try, it’s free!

We know that everybody creates and publishes podcasts in an individual way. That's why we developed three ways to use the Podlove Subscribe Button. Just take a look at the three options below or contact us, if none fits your publishing situation.

You are using the
Podlove Publisher?

Cool! Then you can activate the Podlove Subscribe Button with a single step: Just activate the Subscribe Button in the WordPress Widget and you're good to go.

You are using
only WordPress?

To all WordPress users without the Podlove Publisher: we got you covered! Just install the Podlove Subscribe Button Plugin to use it in your WordPress blog.

You are not using
WordPress at all?

No worries! You can use the generator below, to customize the Podlove Subscribe Button and generate your individual script for your website.

Select your Button Style






Width: ... – Height: ...

To finish your button, just add your meta data and copy the script to your website.

Links and Support

A project of the Podlove initiative